Marketing for authors

Getting your book published is the culmination of a long journey. The hard work is done and now you can sit back and let your book find its way to eagerly awaiting readers. In reality though, this is just the beginning of a new journey, marketing.

The truth is that writing a great book is not enough. It doesn't matter how amazing your book is if no one knows it exists. Whether your book has been published independently or traditionally, marketing is essential to your book's success and authors have to play a role.

Join the discussion, ask questions and share your experiences at a free webinar with Nkanyezi Tshabalala from Pan Macmillan and, authors Cathy Park Kelly and Tony Park.

Live Webinar with catch up recording

Wednesday 30 August 2023

12:00 EDT

17:00 BST


South Africa Time

Author Cathy Park Kelly opted for a 50/50 venture with her indie publisher Karavan Press for her memoir Boiling a Frog Slowly because she knew she was going to put masses of effort into the promotion. She's now devised a coaching course to help authors 'Shift from Storytellers to Story Sellers'.

Tony Park is the author of twenty-one novels set in Africa and ten non fiction biographies. His latest novel, Vendetta, was released in July 2023. He has published his books in South Africa through mainstream publisher Pan Macmillan, but retained the rights and self published it for the rest of the world.

Former editor, bibliophile, storyteller and literacy & literature advocate Nkanyezi Tshabalala is the head of communications at Pan Macmillan South Africa.

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